Tutorial or Tips of Images In HTML

It is very Simple and easy to HTML Images Tutorial.Here we provide a short cut technique To HTML Images tips.

Here a main code is like as " <img src="url" alt="write some here as your wish"/> " and you also see here "URL". Here you provide your selected image url and then

Firstly you copy or write this HTML code and then save it notepad.Must be you save it this formate like as  " Document Notepad.html "  and then it run in your net connection.
Here i am provide a sample to of you........

<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgaFC76CNrIoIBCqBRviGklAjmA6zlNF8hJqnlt2jIleQZ8-aT3FnsiczD3K4y80dOdXNkvUOGNQ74ynXscw4mjR7BpeCAmH2AFGCcYnsZDgyOx3sJoiGx6zbJBmwJWNTtAe-hOr3Np2UA/s320/Mixed+Fruit%2527s+smudi.jpg" alt="write some here as your wish"/>

So no more today thanks to all for going with us..............
Best of Luck >>>>>>>>


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